Women Connect

Get to Know a Member of Our Women Connect Community
A big part of Women Connect is building a community — a place where we can share stories, draw strength from and be inspired by each other.
Kathy Wilson is just one member of this growing community.
Kathy is a Methodist Hospital Foundation Board member and a member of our Women Connect Steering Committee. A natural caregiver to the family members, friends and animals in her life, she knows how transformative healthy living and impactful giving can be.
What’s one way you’re prioritizing your health these days?
"I take time each morning for myself. I walk our dogs, feed the many birds that frequent our yard and exercise each morning. I love playing pickleball, golf, doing Pilates and taking yoga and barre classes. Daily exercise allows time for me to concentrate on improving my heart health, balance and bone strength — improvements necessary to aging well."
What inspired you to get involved with Women Connect as a Steering Committee member?
"I was thrilled to be asked to be part of the Steering Committee for Women Connect. I believe all women spend so much time caring for others and Women Connect gives us a chance to focus on ourselves."
What has been a favorite Women Connect experience or takeaway so far?
"My favorite Women Connect experience is having the opportunity to spend time with my friends and meet other women who want to learn more about improving their health. A real community is forming at these events! My takeaway is that making subtle changes in one’s routine can produce very positive results and benefits."
You also do so much for Methodist Hospital Foundation. Why is community involvement so important to you?
"I am honored to serve as a member of the Methodist Hospital Foundation Board. The Foundation provides so many positive resources for our community members and being able to contribute to this effort gives me purpose. I am grateful for the people in our community who work together to support and enrich others’ lives."
Share a quote that inspires you.
"This positive thought is from my favorite poem by E.E. Cummings titled, I Carry Your Heart with Me: 'I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart.'"
What's one item on your bucket list?
"As a very enthusiastic animal lover, I hope to get an opportunity to spend a summer volunteering at a Wild Mustang Horse Sanctuary."

Have a friend or family member who would be interested in Women Connect?
Please forward this link so they can learn more: MethodistHospitalFoundation.org/WomenConnect