Meet Our Donors

Georgia McSorley and Mary Robbins had a daily routine: they would text each other in the morning and then again before bed at night—a mode of connecting that wasn't around when their friendship began more than 70 years ago.
"Georgia and Mary were like two peas in a pod," says Marlene Sedlacek, Georgia's cousin.
The two became fast friends in high school—St. Francis Academy in Council Bluffs. After graduating in 1950, Georgia eventually settled in the Cayman Islands and Mary in Omaha, where she worked closely with the late Conagra CEO Charles M. "Mike" Harper.
In 2004, after years of periodically keeping in touch, a forceful nudge from Hurricane Ivan brought Georgia back to the Omaha area and the two friends back together. Over the years, they celebrated numerous special occasions and met up for countless meals—part of a luncheon group dubbed "The Adorables."
"They were such wonderful, special people who cared about others," says longtime friend Dee Dee Spetman.
In addition to their strong and special bond, Georgia and Mary also shared a passion for giving back. Their legacies continue to elevate others. Mary died in April of 2022 at the age of 89. Georgia died five months later at the age of 90.
Passionate about education, Georgia gifted a portion of her estate to Methodist Hospital Foundation to establish a nursing scholarship at Nebraska Methodist College—The Josie Harper Campus.
"Georgia thought education was the most wonderful thing a person could attain," Marlene says.
Mary's estate gift is being used to support the expansion of Methodist Women's Hospital and the Foundation's cancer care efforts. She lost both her husband, Gary and her daughter, Tiffany, to cancer.
Dee Dee said neither woman would want accolades: "They just wanted to do something that would help others. That was their goal—to pay it forward. They cared about people."
And they cared deeply about each other.
"The beautiful thing about them is this long friendship," Marlene says. "These two women stayed friends for decades."
If you would like to secure your legacy of caring while supporting Methodist Health System and the patients it serves, we'd be happy to discuss the planned giving option that's best for you. Contact Dana Ryan at (402) 354-4825 or Foundation@nmhs.org to get started today.